Sunday, July 21, 2019

The near end of the clipping path biz?

The clipping path market is saturated, it is at its peak and it's near decline. The possibility of ending the clipping path business is uncertain. But we would never know what would happen in the future. Technology is fast evolving and there are different kinds of software available that can make our work much easier. Outsourcing, as they say, is mere hype. A few years from now, technology will sooner or later learn how to handle processes that are currently outsourced to many developing countries. Right now, there's a turbo mask photoshop plug-in which provides automatic tools to speed up composite image creation and other tasks that require masking. The software is called Paravue Turbo Mask which cost $249, Smart Mask for $120, Background Remover $49.00 and so much more. Others believed that this toolset is comprehensive enough to handle image editing requirements. But does it really? Yes, it may make your work faster but on the other hand, it has fewer tools to complete complicated graphics conversions. "No software is capable of perfectly accurate results", as one software company said.

Anyway, if you want no money to involve then you can also consider online editor. It doesn't have the same tools as what Photoshop gives but it can also do simple clipping path though. But personally, I believe that if there are still companies needing the clipping path service then there would always be clipping path business. There is no better way than having it done with an experienced professional than with just software alone.

There are hard realities involved in the ever-changing economy driven by competition and globalization. Companies may have to close down and some people do lose their job. But on the brighter side, there will always be a new beginning in every ending and visa Versa.

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